On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists from Gaza invaded Israel. They raped and mutilated countless women and girls, using premeditated mass sexual violence and torture as a weapon of terror.
Videos made by the rapists themselves, detailed examination of the victims’ mutilated bodies, plus evidence of the sexual molestation of the Jewish hostages held in Gaza have been carefully documented by independent organizations.
This information has been presented to major influential international bodies and women’s organizations that would normally condemn these actions in no uncertain terms.
The silence in response to this horrendous event and irrefutable evidence has been deafening!
Hadassah around the world is launching a major multinational campaign that includes a petition to the United Nations.
Dear Secretary-General António Guterres,
On October 7, Hamas terrorists raped and mutilated countless women and girls in Israel, using premeditated mass sexual violence and torture as a weapon of terror.
Women were shot in their vaginas and breasts. Girls were found dead, stripped naked, genitals mutilated and covered with blood and semen.
Rape should never be sanctioned as an act of war. Not in Israel. Not in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Rwanda, or Bosnia. Not anywhere. Not again.
These heinous acts are war crimes and crimes against humanity. I am writing to ask you to help end the silence around Hamas’ use of rape as a weapon of war on October 7 and demand justice and accountability. I urge you to ensure that the United Nations conducts a thorough, independent, unbiased investigation and pursues vigorous prosecution for these war crimes.
Together, we can make sure that rape is never sanctioned as an act of war again!